ISBN 9780367139902

ISBN 9780367139902 is associated with Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies: Fantasy in Greek and Roman Literature

ISBN 9780367139902

ISBN 9780367139902 has following Product Name Variations:

  1. Fantasy In Greek & Roman Literature
  2. Fantasy in Greek and Roman Literature - by Graham Anderson (Hardcover)
  3. Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies: Fantasy in Greek and Roman Literature
  4. Fantasy in Greek and Roman Literature
  5. Fantasy In Greek And Roman Literature

More Info

ISBN Identifier Group:0 (English), Type: Language
ISBN Publisher:367
ISBN Title ID:13990
ISBN Check Digit:2
EAN-13:9 780367 139902
Last Scanned:2024-06-09 20:43:21

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